On the Web


We specialize in web design using the WordPress platform. This universal format provides tremendous flexibility through its many design options and plugins, which extend its capabilities to virtually anything you want it to do. From commerce sites to traditional blogs, it allows you the ability to edit content without constantly relying on the designer to do the work. And its easily integrated with media and social marketing platforms as well.

WordPress has its limitations. Each theme comes with certain capabilities, and we provide you with a selection to choose from according to the criteria you need. This selection is important, because customizing them, though possible, is time consuming, expensive, and problematic. Better to choose which one you want, and work within its constraints.

Small to medium businesses should find most everything they need within WordPress. However, large sites requiring sophisticated database capabilities may be better served with a platform like Joomla. I’m not a Joomla expert, but we can work with them, contributing the design end while others handle the technical backend.

Additional options are social networking and search engine optimization (SEO), with which we can also help. Of course, you could hire a full time specialist for that alone, but if you lack the budget, we can help put you on track for much less.